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Specialty Diagnostics & Treatment 

Providing Everything You Need

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Ear Doctor


  • Diagnostic Hearing evaluations & Physical Ear Exams

  • Comprehensive Tinnitus evaluations & with Consult for FDA-approved Tinnitus therapy Device

  • Eustachian tube (ET) testing - including Patulous Eustachian tube (PET) and Eustachian tube dysfunction (ETD)

  • Ototoxicity Monitoring Evaluations for patients undergoing chemotherapy/radiation, ototoxic antibiotic / medication and other ototoxic medications; as well as patients exposed to ototoxic chemicals/solvents (aminoglycosides, gentamaicin, cisplatin, toluene, carbon monoxide poisoning, etc.)

  • Prescriptive hearing aid (HA) fittings, fine tuning & follow-up with Real Ear Measures (REM) - the Gold Standard for Evidence-based HA fitting

  • ​Diagnostic Distortion Product Otoacoustic emissions (DPOAE’s) - to evaluate the integrity of the sensory cells in the inner ear
  • Tympanometry & acoustic reflexes - to evaluate the function of the eardrum and middle ear system 

  • Third Window / Fistula testing - including perilymph fistula, semicircular canal dehiscence, and other third window phenomenon 

  • Custom Earplugs, Swim Plugs & In-Ear Monitors (IMEs) for use as Hearing Protection Devices (HPD), for submersion in water (to prevent swimmer's ear), Musician's earplugs, Sleep Plugs, and much more

Vertigo & Balance (Vestibular)

  • Vertebral-basilar artery screen (VAST)

  • VNG - videonystagmography - a series of quick tests using video goggles to evaluate the precisely assess the vestibular system in each ear separately 

  • TRV Chair Evaluation: :Dix Hallpike & Positional Testing with precise canalith repositioning treatment for Positively-identified cases of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV).

  • Rotary Chair Testing

  • vHIT - video head impulse testing (vHIT)

  • Dynamic visual acuity (DVA) - tests the ability to keep objects focused and stabilized during head movement, enabling you to maintain balance and minimize the risk of falling. This dynamic VOR (mediated by the inner ear balance organs) 

  • Binocular Visual Dysfunction (BVD) measures for Horner's Syndrome, central oculomotor / post-traumatic abnormalities, etc.

Ear Checkup

Auditory Evoked Potentials (AEPs) Testing

  • ECochG - to diagnose likely Ménière’s disease, or cochlear Hydrops 

  • Neuro Rate Study - auditory-evoked neurological testing the status and function of the 8th (vestibulocochlear) nerve for asymmetries and retrocochlear lesion abnormalities


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Office Address:

18377 Beach Blvd, Suite 105

Huntington Beach, CA 92648


Phone: 714 - 594 - 3302

   Fax:  714 - 382 - 0587

Office Hours ( *By Appointment ONLY* )

Monday: 10am - 7pm PST

Tuesday: 10am - 7pm PST

Wednesday:10am-7pm PST

Thursday: 10am - 7pm PST

Friday: 10am - 7pm PST

Saturday: Closed

Sunday: Closed

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